
How to Structure and Organise a Streamlit App

The article guides Streamlit app developers on organizing their project structure effectively. Starting from a simple `` file, the author suggests creating directories for data, output, multiple pages, components for reuse, and functional code separation to improve app management. They advocate for testing code changes and introduce ‘cookiecutter’ for template-based project setup, creating a custom Streamlit template they welcome contributions to. This organization aims to maintain sanity during development and faster project initiation.

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Data Science

Create Eye-Catching Radial Bar Charts With Matplotlib

Radial bar charts are a visually attractive alternative to traditional bar charts. Data are plotted on a polar coordinate system instead of the conventional cartesian coordinate system. This allows the bars to be represented by rings rather than as vertical bars. Radial bar charts can make a great and visually appealing graphic to include in

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Data Science

7 Useful Pandas Display Options You Need to Know

Pandas is a powerful Python library commonly used within data science. It allows you to load and manipulate datasets from a variety of sources and is often one of the first libraries you come across in your data science journey. When working with pandas, the default options will be suitable for the majority of people. However, there may

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