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Machine Learning

ChatGPT Advanced Data Analytics For Custom Matplotlib Well Log Plots

ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter, now renamed to Advanced Data Analytics, has been out for some time now. It was launched on July 6th 2023, and is a plugin developed by OpenAI to allow users to upload data and perform analysis on it. This can range from cleaning the data, creating visualisations and summarising the data. Rather than

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brown desert sands
Machine Learning

k-Nearest Neighbors for Lithology Classification from Well Logs Using Python

k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) is a popular non-parametric supervised machine learning algorithm that can be applied to both classification and regression-based problems. It is easy to implement in Python and easy to understand which makes it a great algorithm to start learning about when you start your machine-learning journey. Within this article, we will cover how

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Machine Learning

How to Create a Simple Neural Network Model in Python

Neural Networks are a popular (mostly) supervised machine learning algorithm. They can be used for modelling a variety of complicated tasks such as image processing, fraud detection, speech processing, and more. These algorithms can be applied to regression-based problems as well as classification-based problems. Within petrophysics and geoscience, we can use Neural Networks to predict

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Data Science

Data Quality Considerations for Machine Learning Models

Reducing the Impacts of Garbage In Garbage Out on Machine Learning Models Ensuring you have good data quality prior to running machine learning algorithms is a crucial step within the overall data science and machine learning workflow. The use of poor-quality data can lead to severe degradation in the results and have further consequences when

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Image by Reto Scheiwiller from Pixabay
Machine Learning

6 Machine Learning Algorithms to Know About When Learning Data Science

Machine Learning has become very popular over the past decade or so with many industries adopting new algorithms to automate processes and increase productivity. Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and involves machines/computers learning from data and generating results without being explicitly programmed to do so. In traditional programming, we provide the input data and

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